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  1 对外承包工程管理条例(2017 修订) Administrative Regulation on Contracting Foreign Projects (2017 Amendment) (中英文对照版)


 发文字号:中华人民共和国国务院令第676 号 发布日期:2017.03.01 实施日期:2017.03.01 效力级别:行政法规 法规类别:对外经贸综合规定 Issuing Authority :

 State Council Date Issued :03-01-2017

 Effective Date :03-01-2017

 Level of Authority :

 Administrative Regulations Area of Law :

 General Provisions on Foreign Economy and Trade

  Administrative Regulation on Contracting Foreign Projects 对外承包工程管理条例

  Promulgated by the Order No. 527 of the State Council; and amended in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulationsand on March 1, 2017. (2008 年 7 月 21 日中华人民共和国国务院令第 527 号公布 根据 2017 年 3 月 1日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》修订)

  Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总


  Article 1 This Regulation is formulated to regulate the administration of the contracting of foreign projects and enhance the healthy development of the contracting of foreign projects.

  第一条 为了规范对外承包工程,促进对外承包工程健康发展,制定本条例。

  2 Article 2 For the purpose of this Regulation, the term “contracting foreign project” refers to an activity of a Chinese enterprise or other entity (hereinafter referred to as entity) of contracting an overseas construction project.

  第二条 本条例所称对外承包工程,是指中国的企业或者其他单位(以下统称单位)承包境外建设工程项目(以下简称工程项目)的活动。

  Article 3 The state encourages entities to contract foreign projects and improve the quality and level of such projects.

  第三条 国家鼓励和支持开展对外承包工程,提高对外承包工程的质量和水平。

  The relevant departments under the State Council shall formulate and improve the policies and measures favorable for contracting foreign projects, and set up and improve the service system and risk prevention mechanism for contracting foreign projects. 国务院有关部门制定和完善促进对外承包工程的政策措施,建立、健全对外承包工程服务体系和风险保障机制。

  Article 4 In contracting foreign projects, entities shall safeguard national interests, public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of their persons sent abroad.

  第四条 开展对外承包工程,应当维护国家利益和社会公共利益,保障外派人员的合法权益。

  A foreign project contractor shall abide by the law of the country or region where the construction project is located, stick by the contract, respect the local customs and habits, protect the ecological environment and promote the local economic and social development. 开展对外承包工程,应当遵守工程项目所在国家或者地区的法律,信守合同,尊重当地的风俗习惯,注重生态环境保护,促进当地经济社会发展。

  Article 5 The competent department of commerce of the State Council shall take charge of the supervision

  第五条 国务院商务主管部门负责全国对外承包工

  3 and administration of the foreign project contracting activities held nationwide, and the relevant departments under the State Council shall take charge of the relevant administrative work within their respective scope of duties and functions. 程的监督管理,国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责与对外承包工程有关的管理工作。

  The competent department of construction of the State Council shall organize and arrange construction enterprises to participate in contracting foreign projects. 国务院建设主管部门组织协调建设企业参与对外承包工程。

  The competent department of commerce of the people"s government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the foreign project contracting activities held in this administrative region. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府商务主管部门负责本行政区域内对外承包工程的监督管理。

  Article 6 Any association or chamber in contracting foreign projects shall provide information and training services thereabout for its members according to its articles of association, work out industrial norms according to law, give play to its role of coordination and self-discipline, safeguard fair competition and protect the interests of its members.

  第六条 有关对外承包工程的协会、商会按照章程为其成员提供与对外承包工程有关的信息、培训等方面的服务,依法制定行业规范,发挥协调和自律作用,维护公平竞争和成员利益。

  Chapter II Foreign Project Contracting Activities 第二章 对外承包工程活动

  Article 7 The competent department of commerce of the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments of the State Council, set up a safety risk assessment mechanism of foreign projects, publishing the safety evaluation results in the relevant countries and regions on a regular basis so as to provide pre-

 第七条 国务院商务主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门建立对外承包工程安全风险评估机制,定期发布有关国家和地区安全状况的评估结果,及时提供预警信

  4 warning information in a timely manner and guide foreign project contractors to do well the safety protection. 息,指导对外承包工程的单位做好安全风险防范。

  Article 8 No foreign project contractor may contract any project at an illegitimate low price or engage in collusive tendering or commercial bribery.

  第八条 对外承包工程的单位不得以不正当的低价承揽工程项目、串通投标,不得进行商业贿赂。

  Article 9 A foreign project contractor shall conclude a written contract with the project employer to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, and both parties shall fulfill their obligations in accordance with the written contract.

  第九条 对外承包工程的单位应当与境外工程项目发包人订立书面合同,明确双方的权利和义务,并按照合同约定履行义务。

  Article 10 A foreign project contractor shall strengthen the administration of project quality and production safety, and set up, improve and put into effect the rules and regulations on project quality and production safety administration.

  第十条 对外承包工程的单位应当加强对工程质量和安全生产的管理,建立、健全并严格执行工程质量和安全生产管理的规章制度。

  Where a foreign project contractor subcontracts a foreign project, it shall conclude a special agreement on project quality and production safety administration with the subcontractor or specify their respective responsibilities for project quality and production safety administration in the subcontracting contract, and shall coordinate and administer the project quality and production safety of the subcontractor in a unified way. 对外承包工程的单位将工程项目分包的,应当与分包单位订立专门的工程质量和安全生产管理协议,或者在分包合同中约定各自的工程质量和安全生产管理责任,并对分包单位的工程质量和安全生产工作统一协调、管理。

  No foreign project contractor may subcontract a foreign project to any entity without the qualification 对外承包工程的单位不得将

  5 required by the state laws, or subcontract the construction part of a foreign project to a domestic construction enterprise which has not obtained the safe production permit according to law. 工程项目分包给不具备国家规定的相应资质的单位;工程项目的建筑施工部分不得分包给未依法取得安全生产许可证的境内建筑施工企业。

  No subcontractor may further subcontract a project. A foreign project contractor shall expressly forbid in the subcontracting contract the subcontractor to further subcontract the project, and shall take the responsibility for supervising the subcontractor to make sure that it abides by the contract clause. 分包单位不得将工程项目转包或者再分包。对外承包工程的单位应当在分包合同中明确约定分包单位不得将工程项目转包或者再分包,并负责监督。

  Article 11 To provide intermediate service of employing persons to be assigned abroad for foreign project contractors, an entity shall get the permit of the competent department of commerce of the State Council, and provide such intermediate service in accordance with the provisions of the competent department of commerce of the State Council.

  第十一条 从事对外承包工程外派人员中介服务的机构应当取得国务院商务主管部门的许可,并按照国务院商务主管部门的规定从事对外承包工程外派人员中介服务。

  When necessary, a foreign project contractor shall employ persons to be assigned abroad through an intermediate agency which has the required permit and has been operating legally instead of one which has not obtained the permit or has committed any gross violation. 对外承包工程的单位通过中介机构招用外派人员的,应当选择依法取得许可并合法经营的中介机构,不得通过未依法取得许可或者有重大违法行为的中介机构招用外派人员。

  Article 12 A foreign project contractor shall conclude labor contracts with all its persons assigned abroad, provide work conditions and pay remunerations to them in strict accordance with such contracts, and properly fulfill its obligations as an employer.

  第十二条 对外承包工程的单位应当依法与其招用的外派人员订立劳动合同,按照合同约定向外派人员提

  6 供工作条件和支付报酬,履行用人单位义务。

  Article 13 A foreign project contractor shall have a specialized safety management institution and workers to protect the personal safety and property safety of the persons assigned abroad, and, in light of the specific situations of the project contracted by it, work out a plan for protecting the personal safety and property safety of the persons assigned abroad and put the funds needed in position.

  第十三条 对外承包工程的单位应当有专门的安全管理机构和人员,负责保护外派人员的人身和财产安全,并根据所承包工程项目的具体情况,制定保护外派人员人身和财产安全的方案,落实所需经费。

  A foreign project contractor shall, in light of the safety situation of the country or region where the contracted foreign project is located, educate and train its persons assigned abroad about security and emergency knowledge so as to improve their security awareness and self-protection capability. 对外承包工程的单位应当根据工程项目所在国家或者地区的安全状况,有针对性地对外派人员进行安全防范教育和应急知识培训,增强外派人员的安全防范意识和自我保护能力。

  Article 14 A foreign project contractor shall buy overseas life accident insurance for its persons assigned abroad.

  第十四条 对外承包工程的单位应当为外派人员购买境外人身意外伤害保险。

  Article 15 A foreign project contractor shall pay or deposit contingent funds in accordance with the requirements of the competent department of commerce and the public f...

推荐访问:完整版 管理条例 承包 【中英文对照版】对外承包工程管理条例(2017修订) 《对外承包工程管理条例》







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