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 都准备好了吗 考德护士 Is everything ready, Nurse Codd? 都准备好了 Everything"s ready! 她还要睡多久才会再次做恶梦 How long will she stay asleep before her next nightmare reoccurs? 最多两个小时 At best, approximately two hours. 这么年轻的人怎么会患上超快速眼动神经症 How does somebody that young develop hyper REM neurosis? 弗兰克还没告诉你吗 Frank hasn"t told you about it? 没有 没有 我刚到这里 No. No, I just arrived here. 是啊 Mm. Yeah. 没错 That"s right. 你听说一周前妓院发生的大屠♥杀♥了吗 Well, you heard about the massacre in that brothel about a week ago? 我还没读过相关报道 但我在新闻上看到了 I haven"t read anything about it, but I heard it covered on the news. 你知道 作为一个实习生 我相当忙碌 You know, being an intern keeps me rather busy. 是的 这个女孩是唯一一个活下来的 Yeah. Well, this girl was the only one that lived through it. -你是认真的吗 -是的 Are you serious? Yeah. 在那里到底发生了什么 What the hell happened in there? 我只能告诉你警方的报告和我们能从她那里得到的信息 I can only tell you what the police report said and what we could get out of her. 这是否是真♥相♥ 我不知道 Whether that"s the truth, I don"t know. 这是个愚蠢的主意 This is a stupid idea. 相信我 Just trust me. 也许你会改变主意 Maybe you"ll change your mind.

 我不明白你为什么要这么做 I don"t understand why you"re doing this. 我告诉过你 我不会告诉任何人你是孩子的父亲 I told you, I won"t tell anyone that you"re the father. 此外 我打算马上把孩子送去收养 Besides, I"m going to put it up for adoption right away. 这样就简单多了 This will be so much easier. 让她跟你谈谈 一切都会好起来的 Just let her talk to you, then everything will be all right. 我要做我想做的事 I"m going to do what I want to do. 这是错误的 This is wrong. 总之 这地方是非法的 Anyway, this place isn"t legal. 我们已经决定了 进去吧 We beat it to death already, let"s just go in. 按门铃 Well, ring the doorbell. -我们是来见老鸨的

 -我知道 我知道 We"re here to see Big Mama. Yeah, I know, I know. 我们绕到后面去 Let"s go around the back. 这边请 This way. 进去吧 先生 她在 3 号♥房♥ Go right in, sir. She"s in Room 3. 谢谢你 Thank you. 你得稍等一下 You"ll have a short wait. 她很忙 She"s busy. 没关系 That"s fine. 我们只是来和她谈谈 We"re just here to talk to her. 好的 Right. 你在哪找到这两个人的

 Where"d you find these two? 坐吧 下一个就是你 Take a seat. You"ll be next. 我觉得她在里面安排了人 I think she"s got somebody in there. 我没问你 I didn"t ask you. 玛丽 你奶奶在楼下等着送你回家 Mary? Your grandmother"s downstairs waiting to drive you home. 好的 我马上下来 Oh? Okay, I"ll be right down. 那我呢 What about me? 帮我照顾好他 好吗 Take care of him for me, would you? 当然 Sure. 当然 Sure. 当然 Sure. 我会照顾他的 I"ll take care of him. 这是你第一次吗 孩子 This your first time, kid? 是的 没错 Yes. Yes, it is. 嘿 公主 Hey, Princess? 你的话都是他替你说 还是你太厉害 不愿意跟我说话 Does he do all your talking for you or are you just too good to speak to me? 对不起 这是我第一次 I"m sorry. This is my first time. 相信我 没什么大不了的 Well, take it from me. It"s no big deal. 我已经堕过三次了 I"ve had it done three times already. 闭嘴 Candy Shut up, Candy. 没人想听你的废话 Nobody wants to hear your crap.

 回房♥间去吧 白♥痴♥ Go back to prison, you moron. 菲尔 我想离开这里 Phil, I want to leave this place. 别傻了 Don"t be crazy. 我们已经到了 再等几分钟 We"re here already; just wait a few more minutes. 她给你添麻烦了吗 亲爱的 She giving you trouble, hunny? 不 小姐 No, miss. 如果她来了 你来找我 Well, if she does, you come up and see me. 5 号♥房♥ Room 5. 会照顾你的 Candy"ll take care of you. 好吧 Okay. 来吧 Come on. 你怀孕了吗 Are you pregnant? 只有她能进来 Only she comes in. 你会没事的 You"ll be all right. 来吧 你跟我来 Come on. You"re coming with me. 在外面等着 Bertha? Wait outside. 我想和我们的朋友谈谈 I want to talk with our friend. 不用了 谢谢 No, thank you. 孩子 永远不要拒绝别人的款待 Child, never refuse hospitality. 谢谢 Thanks. 姑娘 你决定做聪明的事了吗

 So, girl, you"ve decided to do the smart thing? 是的 Yes. 我受够了 I"m having it. 我来这里只是为了他 I"m only here for his sake. 他一直缠着我 所以我还是取悦他吧 He"s stuck with me this far, so I might as well please him. 不管怎样 你在乎什么 Anyway, what do you care? 你只是想要钱 You just want the money. 孩子 我不需要你的钱 Child, I don"t need your money. 我有一栋大房♥子 我过得很好 I own this big house and I"m living good. 你还年轻 让我给你解释一下 You"re young, so let me explain something to ya. 在合适的时机拥有它才是明智之举 Having it when the time is right is the smart thing to do. 我不想杀死它 I won"t kill it. 孩子 听着 Child, listen. 我说完之后 你想说什么都可以 You can speak all you want to after I"m finished. 你以为你在杀的这个东西没有眼睛 没有耳朵 没有手指 This thing you think you"re killing has no eyes, no ears, no fingers. 它不是人类 还不是 It ain"t human. Not yet. 这是最简单的出路 This is the easy way out. 很简单 Real easy. 放聪明点 Be smart. 你没事吧 Are you okay? 我突然觉得很困 I"m feeling awfully sleepy all of a sudden.

 孩子 躺下 放松 Child, lie down. Just relax. 我总是在数钱 I always count the money. -这是我见过最大的中期妊娠

 -什么 This is the largest second-trimester pregnancy I"ve ever seen. What? 小心点 Just watch what you"re doing. 现在像我教你的那样把它处理掉 Now get rid of it like I showed ya. 她怎么样 醒了吗 How is she? Is she awake? 她在睡觉 She"s sleepin". 老鸨说过几个小时就好了 Big Mama said she"ll be good in a few hours. 我们带她上楼 We"re going to bring her upstairs. 凯蒂小姐 老鸨让你进来 Miss Candy, Big Mama said for you to come in. 她还没起来吗 She"s not up yet? 还没有 Not yet. 等她醒了 你就离开 When she comes to, you leave. 明白吗 Understand? 是的 Yes. 她会没事的 别担心 She"ll be all right. Don"t worry. 老鸨知道她在做什么 Big Mama knows what she"s doing. 是时候了 我为了这个错过了一整天的工作 It"s about time. I"m missing a whole day"s work for this. 你不该这么蠢 You shouldn"t be so stupid. 是啊 是啊 我们赶紧把这事解决了吧 Yeah, yeah. Let"s just get this over with. 菲尔 怎么了

 Phil? What"s going on? 听着 一切都会好起来的 Look, everything"s going to be all right. 放松 甜心 你有个好男朋友 Relax, hunny. You have a good boyfriend. 怎么了 发生什么事了 What? What"s happening? 你想喝点什么吗 You want something to drink? 不 菲尔 怎么了 No. Phil, what"s going on? 走吧 我在外面跟你解释 Let"s go. I"ll explain everything outside. 天啊 你怎么能这样 Oh, my God. How could you? 这是你计划好的 You planned this! 我这么做是为了我们俩 Look, I did this for the both of us. 离我远点 Get away from me! 放轻松 休息一下 Take it easy. Rest a while. 我得离开这里 I"ve got to get out of this place. 听着 我们会的 回见 Look, we will. Later. 你怎么能这么做 How could you do this? 你有病 离我远点 You"re sick. Get away from me! 也许你最好在外面等着 Maybe you"d better wait outside. 好吧 All right. 你们这些混♥蛋♥ 你们是一起的 You scumbags! You"re together. 他有钱 所以你站在他那边 He had the money, so you"re on his side! 闭嘴 Look, shut up!

 我受够了 I"m sick of this shit. 我对他这样的怪胎爱不释手 I can"t do enough for freaks like him. 上楼去 Get upstairs! 你这个混♥蛋♥ You bastard! 这种事不会再发生了 This won"t happen again. 对不起 I"m sorry. 我一直以为她喜欢我 I always thought she liked me, eh? 我以前和她在一起过几次 I"ve been with her a couple of times before. 一切都很顺利 Everything always went fine. 听着 下次有麻烦 直接来找我 Well, look. Next time any trouble, just come to me. 苔米 住手 Tammy, stop! 把他们赶出去 Get them out of here! 菲尔 我们走吧 Phil, let"s get out of here. 来吧 我们去后面 Come on, we"re going to the back. 你不能和顾客争论 You don"t argue with a customer. 这就是我来的原因 That"s what I"m here for. 开枪打了他 Tammy shot him. 你就不能管管你的姑娘们吗 You can"t keep your girls in line? 闭嘴 Shut up! 清理干净之前谁也不许离开这里 No one leaves this house until this is cleared up. -我们得好好处理


 We gotta handle this right. He"s dead? 他不是在睡觉 He ain"t nappin". 是的 他确实死了 Yeah, he"s dead all right. 带苔米上楼 把她锁在房♥间里 Take Tammy upstairs. Lock her in her room. 那家伙血流得到处都是 That guy"s bleedin" all over. 我可以带他上楼 把他放进浴缸里吗 I can take him upstairs and put him in the tub? 好吧 就这么办 All right. Do that. 发生什么事了 What"s going on? 苔米射杀了一个家伙 Tammy shot a dude. 老鸨说现在安静了 Big Mama said it"s quiet now. 对苔米来说还不错 All right for Tammy. 这家伙来这里让人给他吹♥箫♥ 结果却被人开枪打死了 Guy comes here to get his penis sucked and he gets shot off instead. 天啊 这个地方从来没有停止过 Jesus, this place never quits. 对吧 伯莎 Right, Bertha? 是的 Yeah. 老鸨说她很年轻 就是因为这个 Big Mama said she keeps very young "cause of it. 可惜这不能让她保持苗条 Too bad it don"t keep her slim. 你知道 她告诉你一切 因为她认为你不记得了 You know, she tells you everything because she thinks you don"t remember. 但是 你在这里过得很轻松 But - eh, you got it easy here. 我不知道 I don"t know. 这些家伙最近想做的就是把子弹射到你脸上 All these guys want to do these days is shoot their load in your face.

 我想每个人都有自己的问题 I guess everybody"s got their problems. 老鸨说人们担心得太多了 Big Mama said people be worrying too much. 说得太对了 God damn straight. 就像那个小舞会皇后 Like that little prom queen. 我是说 她为了这件事大做文章 I mean, she made such a big fucking deal over this. 有什么大不了的 I mean, what"s the big deal? 我只是不知道有些人是怎么想的 I just don"t know how some people think. 那是什么声音 What was that? 我不知道 我也听到了 I don"t know. I heard it too. 又来了 There it goes again. 晃动马桶上的冲水器 Jiggle the flusher on the toilet. 好吧 Okay. Candy 小姐 是从里面传出来的 Miss Candy, it"s coming from inside. -里面 -是的 Inside? Yeah. 冲掉 Flush it. 再摇一摇 Jiggle it again. 伯莎 Bertha! 伯莎 Bertha! 也许他们在军队就是这么干的 但我不是军人 Maybe that"s how they do it in the army, but I ain"t in the army. 如果我没记错的话 你已经出来一年多了 And if I remember correctly, you"ve been out for over a year. 够了 我现在不能这样 阿克塞尔

 That is enough. I can"t have this now, Axel. 那就告诉他 别告诉我 So tell him, not me! 听着 打电♥话♥给华盛顿 Look. Just call DC. 他会把他从我们手上带走...

推荐访问:Suckling《畸形怪婴(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本 完整版 畸形 剧本







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